Sunday, 22 September 2013

Kalsium dan kepentingannya

Tahukah anda yang wanita memerlukan lebih kalsium berbanding lelaki. Baca artikel di bawah ini untuk mengetahui simptoms2 kekurangan kalsium...

Calcium is a very important nutrient, especially for women. Calcium helps to build strong bones and teeth. It also helps to promote a regular heartbeat, helps our blood to clot properly, and helps to conduct nerve impulses correctly. 

We can also take calcium supplements to help ensure we are taking an adequate amount (which is anywhere from 1,000 mg. up to 1,500 mg. a day depending on age).

If you have a calcium deficiency, you may experience the following:
Sign #1: Muscle Cramping
Muscle Cramping can be an early sign that you are developing a calcium deficiency. These types of cramps generally occur at night, especially in the legs.
Sign #2: Dry Skin and Brittle Nails
A common calcium deficiency sign can be seen in your skin and your nails. When your skin becomes dry and your fingernails become brittle (break easily), you could be lacking from calcium. If these symptoms are present, you may also want to check to see if your teeth are becoming yellow. The teeth and the bones can be severely affected from a lack of calcium.
Sign #3 Increased PMS Symptoms
A woman may begin experience more cramping or a change in her menstrual flow if she is suffering from a calcium deficiency. Adding more calcium to a diet may ease these symptoms.
Sign #4: Bone Fractures or Breakage
If you begin to suffer from several small bone fractures or full bone breakage, you should really evaluate the amount of calcium in your diet. This is a severe symptom of calcium deficiency.

Calcium is needed to build bones and to keep them strong. Without this calcium, our bones will become weak. As they weaken, fractures and breakage can occur.

The Fear Calcium Overdose and its Toxicity Values:
Women shouldn’t worry about the toxicity of calcium or the effects of taking too much of this nutrient. In most short-term cases, if you ingest too much calcium your digestive tract will absorb most of it. The only side effects that may occur are constipation or bloating (which is extremely rare).
Some health experts believe that calcium deposits (a hardening of calcium that can appear anywhere in the body on bones or soft tissue) can be caused by ingesting large amounts of calcium enriched foods. This may be one cause of calcium deposits. However, since calcium deposits mostly appear on older people (and calcium is important to keep their bones strong), they shouldn’t stop taking all forms of calcium. They may just want to limit their amounts of food calcium and consider taking calcium supplements.

The Solution to Solving a Calcium Deficiency Problem
If you are showing any of the above signs, please evaluate how much calcium you are consuming each day. You may need to add more calcium enriched foods into your diet, and consider the possibility of adding a calcium supplement, as well. If your symptoms are severe, you may also want to discuss the matter with your physician, who may want to do some blood work or other tests.

Tanda-tanda awal kekurangan nutrien dalam badan sebenarnya dapat dikesan dengan melihat kepada kuku seseorang.

Jika kuku anda mempunyai garis-garis halus seperti ini berkemungkinan besar anda kekurangan kalsium. Untuk mengatasinya pengambilan supplemen kalsium dan vitamin D sangat-sangat diperlukan.
Anda boleh mencuba Ostematrix daripada Shaklee yang mengandungi Vitamin D dan Kalsium. Vitamin D sangat diperlukan untuk membantu penyerapan kalsium semaksimum mungkin.

Ostematrix ini hanya berharga RM61 sahaja, dan boleh digunakan selama sebulan (2biji, 2kali sehari)

Pengambilan kalsium yang cukup amatlah penting untuk mengurangkan risiko penyakit osteoporosis, tulang lembut, osteoarthritis, gigi rapuh dan banyak lagi. Apabila penyakit-penyakit ini sudah menyerang, penggunaan supplemen sudah tidak memberikan kesan lagi.
Sekiranya anda berminat untuk mendapat Ostematrix Shaklee, boleh hubungi saya di: 014-5441066 (zulaili)

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