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Sunday, 22 September 2013
Kalsium dan kepentingannya
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Resepi kejayaan
Kejayaan tercipta setiap hari. Apabila ada yang telah berazam dan memulakan hari yang baru, matlamat yang baru, kejayaan yang baru juga bakal muncul. Setelah berjaya, manusia akan mengimpikan kejayaan lain berdasarkan matlamat yang hendak dicapai. Islam juga menetapkan hakikat kejayaan bagi seorang mukmin melalui sepertimana yang telah diungkapkan oleh Allah SWT dalam kalam suci Al-Quran surah Al-Mukminun ayat 1-11:
- Sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang-orang yang beriman,
- (iaitu) orang-orang yang khusyu’ dalam sembahyangnya,
- dan orang-orang yang menjauhkan diri dari (perbuatan dan perkataan) yang tiada berguna,
- dan orang-orang yang menunaikan zakat,
- dan orang-orang yang menjaga kemaluannya,
- terhadap isteri-isteri mereka atau budak yang mereka miliki; maka sesungguhnya mereka dalam hal ini tiada terceIa.
- Barangsiapa mencari yang di balik itu maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas.
- Dan orang-orang yang memelihara amanat-amanat (yang dipikulnya) dan janjinya.
- Dan orang-orang yang memelihara sembahyangnya.
- Mereka itulah orang-orang yang akan mewarisi,
- (iaitu) yang akan mewarisi syurga Firdaus. Mereka kekal di dalamnya.
18 best supplement for women
Set asas penjagaan kesihatan wanita (SHAKLEE)
Saturday, 14 September 2013
CoQ Health Plus Shaklee
CoQHealth™ Plus mengandungi kesemua proprietari semulajadi daripada campuran 28mg CoQ10 dengan Vitamin E dan ekstrak Teh Hijau yang didatangkan di dalam kapsul bioketersediaan minyak kacang soya bagi memastikan potensi penguraian maksimum dan penyerapan yang lebih baik. CoQ10 telah ditunjukkan dapat: • Menyokong penghasilan tenaga bagi jantung • Menggalak dan melindungi arteri sihat terhadap pengoksidaan LDL • Meningkatkan peredaran darah • Membantu menambah dan mengekalkan paras CoQ10 di dalam darah * Produk ini tidak bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, mengubati, atau mencegah sebarang penyakit. | |
Friday, 13 September 2013
Coenzyme Q10
Sekarang semakin banyak produk kecantikan yang memasukkan CoQ10 sebagai bahan sampingan untuk menganjalkan kulit. Mari kita berkenalan dengan CoQ10 ini....
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient that occurs naturally in the body. CoQ10 is also in many foods we eat. CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant, which protects cells from damage and plays an important part in the metabolism.
Why do people take CoQ10?
Although CoQ10 plays a key role in the body, most healthy people have enough CoQ10 naturally. There is some evidence that adding more -- in the form of CoQ10 supplements -- may be beneficial. Increasing age and some medical conditions are associated with dropping levels of CoQ10. But in these cases, it’s uncertain that adding CoQ10 will have an effect.
CoQ10 has been used to treat many different conditions. There's evidence that CoQ10 supplements can lower blood pressure slightly. CoQ10 is also used to treat heart failure and other heart conditions, possibly helping to improve some symptoms and lessen future cardiac risks when combined with regular medications, but the evidence is conflicting.
Though still controversial, some preliminary evidence suggests that CoQ10 may help to prevent or treat the adverse effects, such as muscle pains and liver problems, of taking statin-type cholesterol drugs.
Preliminary studies have shown that CoQ10 may slow, but not stop, the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Additional research is needed to confirm this effect.
CoQ10 has also been studied as a preventive treatment for migraine headaches, though it may take several months to work. It was also been studied for low sperm count, cancer, HIV, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, gum disease, and many other conditions. However, the research has not found any conclusive benefits. Although CoQ10 is sometimes sold as an energy supplement, there is no evidence that it will boost energy in a typical person.
How much CoQ10 should you take?
There is no established ideal dose of CoQ10. Studies have used doses of CoQ10 ranging from 50 milligrams to 1,200 milligrams in adults, sometimes split into several doses over the course of a day. Follow the instructions on the bottle or get advice from your doctor or a dietitian. Keep in mind that different supplement brands might have different ingredients and strengths.
Can you get CoQ10 naturally from foods?
Good food sources of CoQ10 include:
- Cold water fish, like tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines
- Vegetable oils
- Meats
What are the risks of taking CoQ10?
- Side effects from CoQ10 seem to be rare and mild. They include diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn.
- Risks. People with chronic diseases such as heart failure, kidney or liver problems, or diabetes should be wary of using this supplement. CoQ10 may lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Doses of more than 300 milligrams may affect liver enzyme levels.
- Interactions. People taking blood thinners and thyroid medications should check with their doctors before using CoQ10 supplements.
Given the lack of evidence about its safety, CoQ10 supplements are not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.